SheSays LDN:


Help Close the Gender Pay Gap

The low uptake of shared parental leave by fathers in the UK despite its introduction in 2015 has created a concerning gender imbalance. With only 2% of eligible parents utilizing this benefit due to a lack of awareness, the majority of companies primarily promote it to mothers. This perpetuates negative stereotypes for working women of childbearing age and widens the gender pay gap.

SheSays, an organization dedicated to promoting career development and support for women in the creative industries, recognized the potential of shared parental leave to encourage women to return to work sooner and continue their career development after having a baby. In an effort to address these issues and foster a more equitable and inclusive workplace, we launched the #ShareBaby campaign.

At the core of the campaign was a social media pledge designed to drive awareness and promote accountability. Through compelling social media content, targeted advertising, and strategic PR initiatives, we aimed to challenge the prevailing norms and highlight the fact that both men and women can thrive in their careers while being dedicated parents.

The impact of the #ShareBaby campaign was nothing short of astounding. It sparked meaningful conversations, generated widespread awareness, and prompted significant changes in attitudes towards shared parental leave. By encouraging fathers to take parental leave and actively share parenting responsibilities, we aimed to close the gender pay gap and create a more equal society.

“#ShareBaby can help close the gender pay gap“

“Most UK companies are still only promoting parental-leave benefits to mothers.” #sharebaby


Digital and social content and paid media


The press loved it!

“Let’s change the belief that women must sacrifice their careers for a family.”


Volvo C30

